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Just Thinking… and Getting a New Idea



(Not my front porch)

While at the cabin for a short week I did some thinking about the blog. After fifteen years of continual posting, it is hard to shut down the ideas. It is hard to think about just stopping. It is hard to have ideas that would be rude to share, since Mineral King isn’t open to the public this summer.

Many ideas were flying around my overactive mind: nope, not that; nope, not that one either; nope, better not write that. (“Nope” is the opposite of “yeppers” in my peculiar vernacular.)

Then it came to me that I could write a series about cabin life. I have a lot of experience and thoughts about cabin communities and living simply in a cabin in the mountains. Maybe you, O Gentle Reader (doesn’t that sound quaint?), would be interested in an inside look?

I wouldn’t be talking about the trails, the water, the flowers, the quiet, the beauty, although that would slip in simply due to the location. The goal would be to show you what in the world we do with our time “up the hill”, as almost all people in almost all mountain communities refer to their cabin places.

The posts won’t be five days a week, because there is no internet, electricity, cell service, or even a reliable landline available where I will be spending a great deal of time. If you comment, it might be a few days before I “approve” the comment so that it shows. But at least you’d know I haven’t quit blogging, and you might enjoy a new topic.


  1. I instantly go back (way back!) in time each time I read your blog. Partly because I love and remember your “peculiar” vocabulary- yeppers! And other partly because cabin life in Mineral King is unmatched. I really wonder if cabin life in other mountains is even close to what it is in MK? MK is magical. Different. Wonderful. Makes me happy just going back in time in my mind and smelling and seeing and hearing and being. Sigh. Sure glad we got to go last year and sure hope we get to go next! Until then, please enjoy for the rest of us and continue writing and sharing pics! Thanks friend!

    • Debbie, thank you so much for checking in! I value and appreciate your opinions on every subject that I can think of. I have had experience in other cabin communities, and although there are similarities among them, MK remains special.

  2. Ideas for discussion: gathering, cutting and splitting wood for the fireplace for warmth; raking pine needles; campfires at night; entertainment without the Internet or TV; reading a book(s); cooking with no microwave; preventing bear intrusions; observing the wildlife that walks or flies by; playing cards or board games; talking during meals (rather than watching TV or playing with an iPhone); making meals from scratch; making coffee in a percolator; showering in an outside shower; washing dishes by hand; washing clothes in a washtub with a washboard; getting up at night (without lights) to …….; saving garbage and trash until you leave; fixing everything that is broken (all the time) without the correct tools or materials; helping cabin neighbors with their repairs; preparing the cabin for winter; visiting with cabin neighbors; evening “cheer” with cabin neighbors;

    • Glenn, these are excellent! I have actually already written posts about some of these, and I’m thinking this series could go on for a very long time.

  3. Great idea! Nice for those of us stuck down below to get to vicariously enjoy some mountain cabin time. There just might be another book in there, you know. It was a horrible idea to stop posting the always-interesting blog!

    • Laurie, I just felt so stuck. No art to write about, and too rude to talk about Mineral King when it is closed. . . but Cabin Life might be interesting to my wonderful little group of blog readers. Thank you for following and for commenting!

  4. I would love to hear about your time spent “up the hill”

    • Thank you, Anonymous! I hope to hear from other people about their “up the hill” experiences too.

  5. I think that would be a lovely idea! Maybe some of your neighbors would be willing to chime in with their thoughts and experiences? Yeppers? Or Nopers?

    Wasn’t there an advice columnist who used to begin her answers with, “Dear Gentle Reader”? I like that! We need to do more gentle reading, and a cabin is the ideal place!

    P.S. Did you ever get my off-the-top-of-my-head 2024 calendar ideas?

    • Sharon, it would be wonderful to hear from cabin neighbors and folks from other cabin communities.

      I must have borrowed “Gentle Reader” from some place. . .

      Yep, got your ideas. Thank you!

  6. Like it, Jana!!!

    • Thank you, Louise! If you like it, it must be good. 😎

  7. Sounds lovely! Leah

    • Thank you, Leah! You have been such a loyal blog reader, and I appreciate you and value your opinion.

  8. Great idea

    • Thanks, Barbara! I know some people are curious about this odd little community.

  9. I like this idea, especially because this is my favorite blog!

    • Aw shucks, thanks, Dan! We met because of this blog and you are now a treasured real life friend.

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