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I Paint Better Now

Sometimes progress sneaks up on us incrementally.

I’ve been oil painting since March 8, 2006 (Yes, I remember the date. It was memorable and remarkable and important.)

I pulled out an older painting (haven’t been painting long enough to call anything “old”) that a friend requested. She saw a scratch on the surface, so I said I’d patch it up. When it was time to paint, I realized that an entire area wasn’t good enough for me anymore!

Here is Morro Rock as painted in 2008:

Morro Rock

The rock wasn’t good enough for me anymore. I repainted it in 2015.


 Morro Rock II


Morro Rock II, oil on board, 11×14″, Not For Sale

Yes, the color is different. Last time I photographed it with a camera I no longer own. This time I photographed it with a newer camera, one I bought for Trail Guy so he’ll leave my camera here for me. He preferred the older camera, because it is hateful to try to learn new buttons and switches and digital baloney.

Anyway, I paint better now and wanted you to see the difference so we can be happy together about this thing called “growth”.


  1. Thank you, Cheryl! To quote a good-hearted doofus, “happy, happy, happy”. It is fun to go back and redo detail, because detail is the “funnest” part of all!

  2. Jana, I am indeed happy with you! Love to see the change that you made to the rock. Amazing and beautiful! Yay, you! 🙂

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