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Happy 2014, O Gentle Blog Readers


I finished all the drawings for The Cabins of Wilsonia.  Maybe. When I get the book designed, I might need to add, subtract or rework the 265 pencil drawings. T W O H U N D R E D S I X T Y F I V E PENCIL DRAWINGS OF CABINS!

Excuse me for shouting. It is a little overwhelming.

Tired of drawing? Never. Ready to just goof off a little? Maybe.

I was goofing off, cruising around the internet and found the most beautiful blog ever. It is called stillblog dot net. Here is the link. It is my little gift to you, O Gentle Blog Readers. Scroll through, enjoy. I share this with you because

I appreciate you!

Aw shucks.


  1. Congrats, Jana, on finishing your drawings! Well, finished until you see something that needs attention, right? 🙂 But still, just getting them this far is wonderful. Kudos to you, my friend!

  2. WooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 265 pencil drawings is a heck of a lot of perfect drawings Jana! My hat is off to you! But they are finished, how lovely! Take a nap, have some wine, go for a walk and enjoy the stillness outside this time of year. Blessings to you. Can’t wait to see the final product!

    Hugs and much love,

    • Melissa, I doubt they are perfect, but thanks for the vote of confidence. I need to go through each one again and be sure it is all it can be. And there is so very much more work to be done. I’m with you – can’t wait to see the final product!

      Meanwhile, I am painting the garages. Nothing like a little physical labor outdoors to counteract a year of sitting indoors.

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