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Fourth Blogiversary

Today, April 16, I begin year #5 of blogging. There are many reasons that I blog. Since lists float my boat, here is the list for you:

1. It is fun. Remember Show-and-Tell in grammar school? For some kids it was a chore (and a chore for the rest of us to listen). For others, it was the highlight of their day. I tried to only participate if there was something I was really excited about. That is how I feel about blogging. Every day!

2. It keeps me accountable. Ever tried to work alone, day after day, week after week for 19 years? How did that turn out? Unh-hunh. You HAVE to show someone. You HAVE  to tell someone your progress. (Pity my UPS driver and the mailman!) The blog takes out some of the party-of-one-ness and forces me to produce even when the distractions are oh so very inviting.

3. It gives my work credibility. Published, even if it is online and even if it is self-published, is public. If it is worth putting Out There, it is Real. It counts. (Remember Steve Martin getting all excited about seeing his name in the phone book? It is sort of like that.)

4. It provides a record of my work. (No, I don’t want to keep a journal. The more stuff I own, the more stuff I lose.)

5. It allows me to connect with those who like my work. They can tell me what they think, and I can learn from them. “They”? Who is this “they”? It is YOU!

6. It is a bit like an online brochure, continually being updated, always available. That is a business thing, or perhaps a marketing thing.

7. I am building a platform. Doesn’t that sound fun? No hammer and nails required. It has to do with developing followers so that when I have something to share, there are people to participate.

That is why I blog. I’d love to hear why you read it. Not so I can gather compliments, but so I can learn what is interesting to you and what I should skip!

Completed pencil drawing for upcoming book The Cabins of Wilsonia


  1. Deb, “TV loather” describes me to a tee! Thank you for all your fun comments and kind words over the past year – happy to provide you with entertainment and lovin’ you back, old friend!

  2. Hi Jana!
    I echo Joel word for word! You absolutely brighten my day! Some people watch TV for rest, relaxation and fun. I am a TV loather…I look forward to sitting down for a treat and reading your blog! I laugh out loud all the time and my family cackles at me! I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS. LOVE! (And of course all of your artwork, stories, everything!)
    Thanks for providing “mini vacations” for me! Sure am lovin’ you!

  3. Oh, yes, meant to tell you that I love your drawing in this post. So inviting!

  4. Jana, congrats on completing four years of blogging! We’ve been blogging about the same amount of time — I will complete five in mid-Sept. I love seeing the artwork on your blog and enjoy being exposed to another type of creativity. Plus, it’s just fun building a friendship with you! 🙂

    • Cheryl, isn’t it just plain fun to write this way? And it is really a treat to hear from others and build friendships through our writing. I appreciate your comments – thank you, friend!

  5. Aw shucks, Joel! So kind of you, and I’m pleased that I’m able to make you laugh. Thank you for stopping by, for your online friendship, and for the blogiversary wishes!

  6. Happy anniversary! It’s been a joy getting to know you a little through your blog. You make me laugh out loud regularly, educate me and make my day a little better. Thanks for that!

  7. Blessings on you, Lynda! You like to hear about my cats?? That makes my heart sing! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.

  8. Jana – I read your blog because it is so entertaining. I like to hear about your art, about your cats, about what’s happening in Three Rivers…etc. Keep up the good work!

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