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First Day at School

Not really. It sort of feels like it, but instead it is my first day working at Main Gallery. I don’t even know if it is called “Main Gallery” or “The Main Gallery”. There is no phone to answer, so I guess it doesn’t really matter. I’ve worked in more retail positions than I can list but never had my first day at a job without supervision! Guess I’ll put on my big girl pants and go after it. . . sometimes I love being a grown-up and other times I’d like to just let someone else step into that position. Today, the verdict is not in as to which attitude fits. Maybe if someone else would do the grocery shopping then I’d like the other parts of being a grownup. The best part of being a grown-up is doing whatever I want, which is sort of what happens while working in (the) Main Gallery. You know how at “real” jobs you have to act busy even when you aren’t? This “job” allows me to knit in between customers or work on my ‘puter or just sit. Maybe I do really like being a grownup today!

1 Comment

  1. That’s a super job for a grown up. Besides you can do what you want. I love it and your attitude is great. You’ll never get ulcers!

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