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Finishing a Drawing 20 Years Later

In 1998, Jane Coughran and I published The Cabins of Mineral King*. Some of the drawings crossed over the center seam of the book to cover 2 pages. Some of the drawings were an odd shape to accommodate words.

This is one of those drawings (only photographed, not scanned and touched up for the web, so the background looks gray instead of white):

A member of this cabin family asked me if there were any drawings of the cabin remaining. I remembered this very large drawing with its odd shape. He and I looked at it together to see if it could be completed, and how he’d like it to be completed.

This is the result of that conversation. Highly satisfying! (but that little rude voice asks, “Yes, but is it creative?”)

*The only way to get a copy of The Cabins of Mineral King is to get lucky on Amazon or eBay. Good luck! 



  1. Love that cabin site

    • Thank you, Sally! I was particularly fond of the foxglove, but they have all been removed since they are non-native. Sigh.

  2. Whoa! Voices of doubt are the antithesis of creativity. Never, ever let them be part of your thoughts or considerations, Jana. Your talents are totally creative, expressed through your very special vision coming from who you are. Doubt has no part of that vision!

    • Louise, those voices of doubt are such an interruption! Thank you for the vote of confidence.

  3. Yes, it’s creative! Not everyone can draw from a picture! I wouldn’t even be able to make a tracing from a photo! Nice job artist friend!

    • Natalie, I think Elderly Artist is contrasting skill with talent. And drawing is a skill, and someday I hope to help you learn how. 😎

  4. Foxglove! The Gate! Cold Spring Bridge! I know what cabin that is!

    • Sharon, I thought you might recognize this one. It was fun to revisit the drawing 20 years later after I forgot about it in my flat files for so long.

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