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February is Over

I don’t have a Learned List for you this month. I learned some things, but they don’t belong here. Instead, here is a list of things for which I am grateful in February.

  1. February remains my favorite month, because it truly is the beginning of spring around here. 
  2. We have access to some fantastic oranges, which are very fun to glean and to share.
  3. Sales of my paintings continue.
  4. Our three cats are still alive and well, 4 years for Tucker, 3 years for his nephews Jackson and Pippin.
  5. My catalytic converter hasn’t croaked.
  6. The wildflowers are terrific.
  7. We had some snow and rain.
  8. We have fantastic friends who step up during times of difficulty to help.
  9. The daffodils are steadily blooming and will continue for awhile including in places that I forgot I planted.
  10. Knitting is a great pacifier, a healthy and productive alternative to smoking. I started and finished one sweater, finished another sweater and a baby blanket, and began a new baby blanket. 

Now, let’s just enjoy some spring time in the foothills of Central California.

The poppies are barely visible below Comb Rocks but I know those are poppies and not fiddlenecks. (In case you care about such details).


  1. 1. Mine, too, because of several family birthdays (including Yours Truly)!
    4. May they continue to live long and prosper!
    8. Truly a blessing!
    10. Ditto, except for me it’s the 1-hook craft (as opposed to the 2 needle craft). My current projects: blankets for Project Linus (

    • Sharon, I am sorry that I forgot your birthday this year.

      The cats are really really fat! Hard to understand, because they run around plenty, and unlike cats who begin as strays without certainty of food, these three have had a reliable source their entire lives.

      My friends are so wonderful that I want to make everyone bread, a scarf, take them oranges, pull their weeds…

      Your 1-hook craft uses more yarn but is faster. And making blankets for Project Linus is more noble than adding more sweaters to an already bloated wardrobe. I commend you!

      • No harm, no foul. You had other things on your mind!

        Have you done a mouse count around your abode recently?

        I’ll take the bread and oranges, please!

        Both are noble! And possible!

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