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Extras from Bear on the Roof

While I was painting the bear at the Sierra Lodge in Three Rivers, several things came to mind.

1. There is always more to a job than first meets the eye. In this case, it was the scraping of peeling paint that I didn’t anticipate.

2. Whoa! Who knew that painting on a roof would cause one’s shoes to get all sticky with tar??

3. What a nice place to work – the staff was hard-working and friendly, both to one another and to me. Eric, the maintenance guy wouldn’t leave until I was safely off the roof. Ruth offered me cold water. Nice thoughtful people!

4. You can see the place is maintained and cutened up like crazy! (I KNOW it isn’t a word, but find me a better one, ‘k?)

5. I love views from rooves. (I know that isn’t a word either – can’t seem to help myself today.)

6. I sure get to live and work in a grand place! (that is Three Rivers, Tulare County, California, in case Mr. Google is listening to this conversation.)

7. Commissions are certainly full of variety and challenge. There isn’t a single thing about my job that is boring except for the bookkeeping.

Have any good made up words to share with me?

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