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Early Season in White Chief Canyon

Trail Guy’s favorite place to hike is White Chief. Mine too. I wasn’t there for this hike, but he graciously and eagerly shared his photos with me to share with you.

Oops. This is from a hike up toward Timber Gap, not White Chief. White Chief shows in the distance.
Phlox, also from the Timber Gap hike.
The square top is White Chief peak.
This is a scene I painted over the winter, but with lots more color, mostly greens.

Several friends have taught us to be on the lookout for heart shaped rocks. Trail Guy has gotten very good at spotting them.
Western Wallflower

A marmot, probably fixing to do an ear-splitting shriek of a chirp.
What’s hiding in the rocks?

Today’s painting is for sale:

White Chief III, 11×14″, oil on wrapped canvas, $275


  1. I love all these pictures, especially the one with the heart.

    I look forward to looking at this blog all the time, and the last one I got was Fri. June 15th. I have no idea why they have stopped! Could you start emailing them to me again. Thank you!

    Virginia Tillman

    • Hi Virginia, Thank you for your comment. I emailed you about the blog posts arriving via your email, but in case anyone else is watching these comments, if you stop receiving notifications of blog posts, try resubscribing. You have to go to my website, then to the blog, then to the box that says to subscribe. After that you will receive an email, (maybe from WordPress?) and follow the instructions there to resubscribe.

      The website is still getting redesigned, so there are all sorts of mysteries taking place.

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