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Done Painting

Done painting for now. It is hot in the painting workshop (in spite of the roaring swamp cooler) and there are mosquitos, and there are no painting jobs with a deadline.


Yes. I’d rather draw.

Besides, I have 4 new pencil commissions. More tomorrow about that.

Here are the last things I worked on with paint. (Could have been the frustration of working with acrylic that made me put my paints away for now.)

Look at the cute little oil painting alongside the giant acrylic painting, leaning up against the workshop doors. Three sizes of redwood paintings, none of them anywhere near the reality of the big trees in person.

I found my old photos of sunflowers in order to add realistic leaves. It needs more leaves, and all need to be larger so there is less blank space around. Maybe it needs another sunflower. 

But I’ll think about that another day.

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