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Daily Painting, 10

Sunny Sequoia IXX, 8×8″, oil on wrapped canvas, $75

When I belonged to the Colored Pencil Society of America, there was a tradition. At every annual juried show, there was a piece called “Paper Bag #_____”. The numbers went quite high, the pieces were always well done, they were a little boring, and they ALWAYS made it into the juried show! When the slide show took place at the convention, the paper bag was an anticipated piece, and it ALWAYS caused laughter.

What does that have to do with anything? Series: I learned about painting in series, naming series, numbering, keeping track and making tiny adjustments and corrections as I repeated a subject over and over. Besides, if it is a popular subject and customers ask for it, an artist can hardly say “Nope, it has been done already.” Okay, an artist can say that, but she would be stubborn and missing lots of opportunities. Me? not about to miss the opportunity to keep painting better and better Sequoias, poppies, oranges, whatever is appropriate to Tulare County in particular, California in general. And, whatever is popular! (gotta be honest here!)


  1. Thanks, Cheryl! Biggest trees by volume in the world, and this size has been growing since Jesus walked this earth. Never ceases to amaze me.

  2. What a cool painting, Jana! Love the detail, the light, and the trees in the background.

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