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Cottage Commission Completed

This is the photo provided by Bob, My Favorite Customer. (That is a lot to type so I will refer to him simply as Bob for the rest of this posting.)

It is in color, and probably taken with a wide angle lens which makes the perspective look a bit distorted. In addition, there is a lot of unnecessary and unsightly material in the photo. Real life is messy and artists get to clean it up without even getting sweaty!

Here is how I drew the cottage. Bob was very pleased with the results, which is always a great relief to me. (Someday I may do an entire posting on the emotions of commission work.) Now, his wife and I have plans for a collage of the high points of the entire Irish trip. He may have the title of Favorite Customer, but she is an utter delight to work with! Would you believe we have known each other since 1973?? I just love living in the place where I was born and reared, unlike the adventurous and determined man who was born in this cottage, emigrated to the USA, and now has a descendant who is a great patron of the arts!


  1. Unbelievable, Jana. Your pencil is unbelievably unbelievable. I love it!

    • Thank you, Deb! How about returning to central California and taking lessons from me? You’d just shock yourself, and we’d have a blast!

  2. Bob’s a lucky guy. Someone must be paying taxes on that little cottage, because in Ireland they don’t have to pay if the roof is gone.

    • Interesting fact – thanks, Sara! Bob IS lucky because a. He found the cottage b. He doesn’t live in Ireland and have to pay those roof taxes and c. he had me to draw it for him! teeheehee 😎

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