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Commissioned Mineral King Oil Painting

You saw this photo of the beginnings of a commissioned Mineral King oil painting.

Here is the reference photo for the little cabin.

The customer wanted it to be in a vertical format, and I suggested making Farewell Gap more dominant. She approved of that first sketch on the canvas, so I began painting.

This was a combination of the familiar and the fake with the goal of believability.

When this dries, I’ll start “drawing” with my paintbrush. Adding details to the cabin will be particularly enjoyable, because you may recall that I love to draw.


  1. Hi Jana! Would the person who is commissioning the painting like a picture of an 30’s green vehicle next to it? Adds a bit of historical dating to the project. Just a thot. Let me know if you would like the picture:)

    • Melissa, I don’t want to ask, because I have no confidence in my ability to accurately paint such a thing! But I would like to see the picture, yes, thank you.

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