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Cabin Life, Chapter One


How I Got a Cabin

Welcome to Cabin Life, my way of staying in touch during this odd summer of Mineral King being closed to the public and my accidental stepping into a sabbatical (or something akin to it.)

Thirty-eight years ago I met Trail Guy. In a rash moment of bald honesty, I said, “I’d kill for a cabin in Mineral King”.

He replied, “There is another way”. (Maybe he said “better” or even “easier”.)

We got married the following year (in Mineral King, of course), and nobody has gotten killed.

This was all pre internet, pre personal computers, pre continual connectivity. (The first summer of marriage, we got a landline at the cabin, since we were living in two different places. Fancy.)

Nowadays (isn’t that a classic Old People word?) we live in an era of total convenience, instant gratification, continual connectedness, and complete comfort. 

So why do people go to a rustic shack up a terrible road to spend time without conveniences, ultra-comfort, electricity, cell phones, or the internet? What in the world do people do??

This series, called “Cabin Life”, will give you a glimpse, maybe a few answers to those questions, or maybe just more questions.



  1. Great start to the series! You’ve “primed the pump” for me to come up with a story or two. Do you accept outside manuscripts? Unsolicited articles? First-hand stories from others?

    You certainly chose the better way–marriage over murder!

    P.S. I love when your pencil drawings include just a splash of color that draws the attention of the viewer.

    • Thank you, Sharon! That was the easiest one to write. The others might be a little bit boring, and there will be much supplemental photography. More will be revealed in the fullness of time.

      I too love that little touch of color. Not every subject has something that stands out as requiring color.

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