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Cabin Life, Chapter Fifteen


This post is just general photos of the cabins, some so you can see the settings, some so you can just enjoy them in all their rustic simplicity.

This isn’t a cabin—it is someone’s outbuilding.

P.S. I can draw your cabin because. . .

. . . using pencils, oil paints, and murals, I make art you can understand, of places and things you love, for prices that won’t scare you.



  1. Ah, give me the simple life!

    Thank you for including WMK in your pictorial essay (although you caught ours with its eyes closed, but daffodils wide open)!

    That outbuilding looks . . . sad and tired. Can it be saved? Stay tuned!

    • Sharon, I had to decide: daffodils or open shutters? The flowers won.

      Did you recognize the sad outbuilding? I have never noticed at all before this year!

      • Flowers win, every time!

        No, I don’t recognize the outbuilding. Where exactly is it located? (via email if you prefer)

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