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Cabin Life, Chapter Eight


The question remains: What do you do in a place without electricity, cell phones, internet, or even landlines?

Choice #1 is we go hiking. However, that is not something I want to talk about this year, since Mineral King is not open to the public.

We have talked about puttering and gardening. Now let’s look at a few other ways we keep ourselves occupied in the Land of No Electricity. These are random photos, gathered over the course of many years.

My neighbor sewed new curtains for her cabin on an old treadle machine. Another neighbor brought up her electric sewing machine, set it up on her deck with her generator running, and she made quilts.

Many years the Mineral King Preservation Society sponsors Mankin Creek for an evening concert in August. Not this year.

I knit. A lot.

My 5-year-old neighbor calls it “needling”, and she told me I should make her a sweater.

So I did. She picked the colors she liked best from the group above.(The colors look dull in this photo but in real life it is beautiful.)

My Hiking Buddy brought up a project to finish. It had something to do with a baby shower, or maybe a wedding shower. It was fun to help her (and not have to actually attend the shower).

Almost every cabin has lots of books. One neighbor brings 10 books for an 8-day stay, and last year she ran out of reading material. Good thing we had some books to share. I usually bring a box of books up and down the hill every time so there is a pile to choose from.

A friend that I have referred to in the past as The Girl used to bring Mancala to the cabin and make me play with her. She usually won. I loved the marbles and was fascinated to see that m&ms matched them (or maybe it was Skittles). I’m not much of a game player.

Many many many hours of Yahtzee.

Some people like to fish.

Some people like to commune with wayward and obstinate stock.

And hike. Hike with neighbors, hike alone, hike with one’s spouse or family. But we aren’t talking about that this year.


  1. Great thoughts and shots in this one, Jana. Really like this series. At least a FEW folks are getting to enjoy MK this year! Is the woman at the sewing machine Marilyn Weldon?

    • Laurie, thank you for checking in. I’m glad you like the series, because as you know, I was dithering about what to write this summer. You are right about the seamstress.

  2. We do have a generator; Kathy uses it to do a thorough vacuuming when she opens and when she closes. Otherwise, it sits, unused. I don’t like to create any noise pollution.
    Missing the MKPS Music in the Mountains this year. Also, last Saturday (Aug. 5) would have been our annual MKDA meeting and potluck.
    Crocheting is good, too. I try and finish one afghan per week of cabin dwelling. I wish I could share photos here!
    Reading is good, too. Also catching up on podcasts played from my phone (which is chargeable with a solar charger).
    I’ve never heard of Mancala. When we’re both up, you’ll have to teach me.
    Bear-spotting, deer-watching, chipmunk-searching, bird-listening, it’s all good!
    And no, we’re not mentioning the “H-word” are we? *sigh*

    • Sharon, it sounds as if you have too much to do at your cabin to indulge in the “H-word”.

      • Nah, I get in at least 1/2 to 1 mile “H” every day, usually post-dinner. It was our tradition. And then we came back and washed dishes–those who didn’t cook were on wash duty. That was me, every time!

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