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Big Trees in Order

After posting about Seven Big Tree Oil Paintings, it seemed like a good idea to figure out when I painted which one so I could see them in order and decide if I am improving or going the other direction. So, here they are in order.

2012, a little later
2013, a little later 
2017 (a gap of 4 years?!)
2021 (a 3 year gap?!)

Interesting – I think the 2 best are the first and the last. So much depends on the quality of the photo, and I don’t have very many to choose from that show the entire tree. But there is also the color variance from photo to photo and tree to tree. As I gain confidence, which happens with experience, I am able to just figure out what colors please me rather than feeling bound to the photo.

If you want a tree like this, the size is 6×18″, the price $165 (plus tax if you live in California). Of course there are larger canvas sizes available (smaller too, but those are for younger eyes and fingers more agile than mine at manipulating paintbrushes). Remember, 

I make art you can understand, of places and things you love, for prices that won’t scare you.

(I hope $165 isn’t scary).


  1. I like the first one best (also like the last one). The first one has a great color and I feel that I can reach out and touch the soft bark. There is something about the texture of the bark in that painting. I also like the angle of looking up into the tree. Aren’t you glad you invited opinions (did you know that was what you were doing?)?

    • Thank you for weighing in, Nikki. Other people are more objective about my work than I am; besides, other people sometimes become customers! Because I work alone, I do invite and welcome input. There is always something to learn, especially from someone I trust such as yourself.

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