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Better to Laugh Than to Cry

Recently, Trail Guy was in my studio and took the 2018 calendar off the wall so we could do some planning. The 2019 was hanging behind it and fell on the floor. He said, “Hey, you have a typo in your calendar!”
How can that be?? I used a template from the printer for the calendar part, and my part is all drawings except for the cover and the months on the back.

If you ordered a calendar from me, look at June: the printer’s template had the WRONG YEAR for June!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

But this is a 2019 calendar!
I contacted them and they will be replacing my order. When it arrives I’ll have to send new calendars to everyone who ordered by mail (65 are sold of the 100) plus try to remember who bought them in person so I can replace them.

If you bought one from me in person, please let me know so I can replace it. (I have records of all who ordered from the website.)

They sent me a proof before the reprinting. Another oops:

It wasn’t just the year that was wrong; it was the entire page! (Look in the corners. . . this is a 2019 calendar, folks!)
My head might be a little misshapen from banging it on the wall, but it is okay for you to laugh. I thought my walking partner was going to fall down laughing when I told her. Remember, my very wise dad said, “It’s better to laugh than to cry”.
I’ve worked in 2 different print shops in my varied “careers” (they were really just jobs, not careers), and I remember how when a job started to go bad, sometimes there was just no hope. This is a good printer that gives great service, and I want to help them get it right for me so that I can get it right for you.
Let’s find a bright side, shall we? I will be helping to keep the local Post Office in business.
I need to see something soothing right about now. . .


  1. Shows we all make mistakes, even those who have a business to get things right. If you send Christmas cards, this could be a good chuckle, everyone needs to laugh. there is even Christmas Red. Maybe you are not laughing! It will cost some one some $. JB.

    • Janet, it will cost both the printer and me. Sigh. But in the end, no one died and no one got cancer.

  2. Red geranium! Such a cheerful flower! I wrote a letter to the editor once, to encourage the city where I lived to adopt it as the official flower, give out 4-inch pots to anyone with a sunny spot in the garden who wanted a bit of beauty. That didn’t happen although I noticed more of them around town not long after. Maybe I was just primed.

    • Joyce, what a wonderful thing to do!

  3. It’s excellent customer service that you are willing to “make good” on your product. However, I hope the printer is going to reimburse you for all the postage you will be spending to send a second set of calendars to those who ordered by mail.

    If not, let me know and I’ll at least reimburse you for mine!

    • Thank you, Sharon. I want to provide excellent customer service. And I doubt if the printer would reimburse me for my postage; I feel grateful that they are even willing to reprint because they could blame me for not proofing their work adequately.

      • Good point. I’ll see what I can do to help a fellow artist. 🙂

        • Oh Sharon, my friend, you do plenty to help a fellow artist! Thank you so much for your ongoing encouragement and support.

  4. Ahem… talk about lack of attention to detail. I am surprised that the proof they sent you didn’t just have 2020 crossed out with 2019 handwritten next to it!

    • Dan, this whole thing has been a string of are-you-kidding-me?s. . . yesterday the corrected proof arrived, and now we’ll wait and see if the corrected calendars actually arrive in good condition.

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