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August is My Least Favorite Month. . .


. . . but it ain’t all bad. (Cabin Life series resumes tomorrow.)


Happy Birthday, 40-year-old Niece!! 


The little bitty almost inedible grapes are ripening, and THE DEER AREN’T EATING THEM! (Thank you, Deer Out!) If they survive, and if my juicer works after last year’s lengthy repair, I will juice and freeze them.

But Deer Out is also keeping them from licking my kitchen window clean, not that they have ever done that.

August is usually very hot. That’s why these flowers are naked ladies; too hot to be clothed.

Tucker’s wound has healed, and he loves the unmowed grass, which is the thickest and healthiest it has ever been. This is the 4th year of not allowing Trail Guy to mow it in order to let it propagate and send deeper roots (he isn’t complaining).

The cucumber plants died, the zucchini will flower but not produce, the tomatoes are weak (but the plumber shared some of his), the sweet potato plants are looking healthy, and the basil is prolific.


This involuntary sabbatical has been enjoyable. I am not worried, because God is my provider, not me.

After not drawing or painting for awhile, I got another wild hair to draw.

First, I warmed up by sketching in church. (Judge not: it helps me listen with my left brain when I keep my hands and right brain occupied.)

Then, I was ready to draw “Valedictorian’s Dad”.

Finally, I began three new paintings.

Don’t they look terrible? 

No worries. That’s normal.


One of my favorite bloggers had a great post yesterday: Tim Cotton Writes


  1. Another bonus for not mowing the grass: Tucker can play “Jaguar in the Jungle!” And chewing on grass is good for their digestion (even though sometimes it causes them to puke. Hopefully outdoors).

    I get the drawing in church; if I could crochet in church it would help me concentrate. But I would get “looks” and so I don’t. But I do at home when listening to sermon recordings.

    I recognize the top painting, but not the other two. And I’m not worried; I know they will turn out just lovely!

    • Sharon, I have come to prefer unmowed grass. Tucker LOVES to crawl around in it, getting me to chase him, preferably while crawling.

      I often knit in church too. I don’t care about the “looks”, which is interesting, considering my church has a smaller attendance than the staff at yours.

      The paintings. . . you might not recognize the others even when they are finish.

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