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An individual matter

De gustibus non est disbutandem – “it is useless to argue over matters of taste” somehow sounds better in Latin. (My Oh-So-Wise-Dad used to say this in Latin because it was more fun that way.) 😎                                     For years I have drawn in pencil. Many of my drawings have been reproduced, and then I put in a small hint of color to mimic the look of an old hand tinted black and white photo. Yesterday a customer requested a few of my reproduction prints of citrus.  This customer requested that I brighten and strengthen the color.                                                                                                                                       There are several choices in this situation: 1. Tell the customer to forget it, that it is the way it is because I made it that way. 2. Tell the customer yes, but it will cost. 3. Ask the customer how much color she would like, and get out my colored pencils and just do it. Wisely, understanding that taste is an individual matter, I chose option 3.  (Dad also said, “You kiss their fanny and take their money”.)  And, I am so appreciative of folks who still prefer pencil art to oil – it helps me to not think that the last 15 or so years were wasted!!  And here is another thing: Putting bright color into the print makes me wonder –  should I have been doing this all along? Just because I was timid with color doesn’t mean everyone else thinks that is good. . . hmmmm . . .(that is the sound of my brain humming along)



  1. Thanks, Deanne. I hope you never find that drawing of the oil lamp – it is probably hideous and I would have to pay you enormous sums of money to make it go away!

  2. Good morning,

    I just have to say, for myself I prefer the pencil and love the touch of color in the black and white. It makes it very unique. You do really well with the oil, but just a preference for me, maybe it goes back to watching you draw in church when we were little. I still have dreams of finding that one picture of the oil lamp to blackmail you with, maybe its in a box at my parents 😉

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