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An Attempt to Lighten Up

Sometimes when life is hard, it helps to focus on lighter things. (Life has gobsmacked my family – you can read about my brother-in-law here.)

So, these 2 little gems are in progress.


Doesn’t look like I know how to paint at this stage, although I’ve seen paintings of this caliber sold for big money.

I wonder if those artists are laughing all the way to the bank or if they actually did their best?

None of my beeswax. . . it is my job to do my very best for my customers.

Don’t you just wonder sometimes about lots of stuff? Nah, you prolly just watch teevee and have another beer. I’m sure that must be the demographic that reads my blog.

Just kidding! Trying to keep things light here. Buffoonery is a method of coping.


  1. Good idea, Jana, to try to focus on lighter things when you can. Also as mentioned in your previous post, it’s good to go with the comfort of your pencil drawings right now. Whatever you can do to comfort and shore up your heart and soul is exactly what you need to do right now. Hugs to you, my friend. You and yours remain in my prayers!

    • Cheryl, you are so thoughtful and kind. Thank you!

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