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A Walk of Beauty

Yesterday my husband had a birthday. I remember thinking how stodgy and middle-aged my parents were when my Dad turned 50, and now I am married to a 58-year-old man! We had to stick around the house waiting for a plumber (the more stuff you own, the more stuff breaks). After getting that situation situated, we went up to the BLM land for a little walk. (All walks are little compared to last year’s training for the 21-miler.) I share these images with you because it gives you a glimpse into the life and through the eyes of a foothills artist in residence.

This is a face screaming “OOO NOOO, not 58!”


  1. Aw shucks, thanks Bob! Taking photos is so fun and easy. Painting from the photos is a whole other story – all those tiny branches and picky details make me want my pencils back!

  2. Michael you’re still a youngster @ 58! Jana you are an artist taking photos! Your subject matter and framing your object requires a GOOD eye……..your’e the greatest!

  3. Happy Birthday Michael … having experienced 58 for a few moths, it’s not so bad … Jana – last photo seems to have potential for a painting … just beautiful –

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