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A Situation

A customer/friend bought a painting off my website. She requested that I paint in an animal so the size of the trees is truly evident.

OH NO! It already sold, and I didn’t take it off my website! 

I can’t find the original photo so have to work off the photo of the sold painting. It is always best to start with the original, but sometimes stuff just can’t be helped.

Pippin was happy to have me in his house. He lets me borrow it for a painting workshop.
Hey, is that a bear??
Here it is with a bear this time. When it dries, I will scan it and it will look better than this semi-reflective photo while it is wet.

Dry enough, scanned, heading to the Post Office today!


  1. Just curious–do you get annoyed, or do you appreciate it when someone makes a change/suggestion to an already completed painting?
    I think the addition of the bear makes the painting more interesting.kijjjjj (sorry, that was Taylor trying to chime in).

    • Sharon, I am happy to do whatever the customer requests, as long as I have the ability and it doesn’t mess with the scene’s believability.

      • That’s very kind (and flexible) of you. I can only speak for the audio arts, but I have seen situations where we took an arrangement and made a few cuts and lyric changes, and the arranger became incensed that we DARE change his precious arrangement.
        I like your policy better!

        • Sharon, I am very practical about the need for flexibility if I want to stay in business. I am here to serve the customer, not to serve my own art. If I was a hobbyist instead of a professional, I would probably have a different view. And I do put my foot down when it comes to logo design, because Design-By-Committee is how we got a camel when we needed a horse!

          • In other words, “The Customer Is Always Right. Except when he’s not.”

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