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A Little More Paint

In my time of waiting to begin those murals, I have grown accustomed to lots of free time. This includes errands, taking walks, baking bread, helping friends (so many friends in a tough spot all at the same time), reading, knitting, yardening, and just working a little bit every day, but only a little bit.

One day I started on this 10×20″ painting that shows the mountains from Sawtooth on the left to Homer’s Nose on the right. I condensed the distance and faked some mountains, probably just left out others. (My excuses: the photo was blurry and there were clouds; besides, almost no one cares.)

Sky first (no photo of that because my camera battery needed a recharge), mountains second, foothills third.

Fourth, start on the distant groves.

Fifth, keep working down to the lower/closer groves.

Oops, gotta go! Errands: library book available, delivering the very last calendar to the friend who was in a convalescent hospital with a thieving front desk, taking bread to a couple of friends. (When life is hard for people, bake and deliver bread; it sort of helps.)

Good thing there are no pressing deadlines right now. Helped a friend find songs and burn a CD for her husband’s memorial service (lots of friends with troubles. . . sigh.)

In my next pass over this canvas, I will add detail to the mountains, foothills, distant trees, orange trees, etc. I hope my friends get breaks from these awful things soon. It is a good thing to have the time and resources to help where and when I can.


  1. When life gets hard for me, I crochet. Either way, we are both productive! And you are very kind to help those who could use a little lift. And I know they appreciate it. And that bread looks good enough to eat!

    • Sharon, I am thankful that I don’t have any tight deadlines, my schedule is flexible right now, and I have the ability to help. This is my chance to be a helper, but at anytime I could become the one who needs to be helped.

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