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Five Items On A California Artist’s Brain

  1. Thank a Veteran today. (Thank you Bob J. and Happy Birthday, I can’t believe you will be 80!)
  2. Thank you, Laurie, for pointing out the booboo in the link under See My Work. Now, if you click on Exeter Murals, it takes you to a YouTube video about Exeter, including a talking chin. (weird view of me, good story of Exeter)
  3. Remember the show in Visalia today and tomorrow. See the entry on November 8 for the details.
  4. These paintings might be dry enough to bring to the show. If they are, they will be more detailed than in this photo.
  5. R.I.P. Bugsy, 1994-2011. I’m sorry for the time I folded you up in your bed like a taco and poured you into your kennel (but you had tried to take my hand off on a previous attempt.) I won’t miss your yipping, but you were awfully cute when you came over to my house to find your missing people. And your ears flapped in the most adorable way when you ran!


  1. Jennifer, my friend’s paintings are safe, for now! But I have 3 more shows this month, so the verdict is not in yet. And you should have seen us figuring out how to photograph her kitchen around her husband cooking breakfast!

  2. I like the stream of consciousness-ness of this post :o)

    Good luck on your show.

    • Thank you, Marian. Not sure what “stream of consciousness” is, but it sounds nice! And thank you for the good wishes on the show – I’ll post about it on Monday.

  3. Hi Jana,

    Have fun at the art show! Thanks for praying for my two MOPS sessions this week. They seemed to go well! Thanks to God.

    I read back over your older post below and enjoyed peeking into your friend’s kitchen. I laughed and understood when she hoped your work wouldn’t sell either. 😉 (so she could keep it in her kitchen for a while.)

    Have a great week.

    Jennifer Dougan

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