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9 Things I Learned in September


  1. Crocs: Classic All Terrain Clog or Offroad Sport Clog? I found Offroad on Amazon (not referring to the fake ones I bought in the previous month) and then found All Terrain on the Crocs site. All Terrain (2nd photo) have a better tread, but I haven’t had a chance to try them on a trail yet.(Come on, you stupid fires, and I am taking both pairs if we have to evacuate).
  2. Akimbo means standing with a hand on your hip and your elbow pointed outward. I didn’t know this. (Well, duh, that’s why it is in a Things I Learned Post)
  3. If you are vacuuming your bathroom and start waving the wand around (chasing spiderwebs or something equally adventurous), watch out for the loose end of the toilet paper. Of course, it is good for a laugh…
  4. August has been my least favorite month for most of my adult life; September is threatening to replace it.
  5. September brought a very hands-on lesson about the difference between opinions and facts. During these fires, people express their opinions such as “It isn’t looking good for Mineral King” or “So-and-So Who Supposedly Has An Inside Track said mandatory evacuation is coming soon!” These opinions affected me at first; I should have blown them off as FakeBook noise (even though many were spoken in person). Now I can recognize an opinion and wait for the real information.
  6. The Human Calculator is a guy named Scott Flansburg. Fascinating! I heard him on Mike Rowe’s podcast and learned that all calculations lead back to 9. Maybe not all. . . but get this: pick any 2 numbers, add them up. Add up the digits within the answer, subtract them from the answer, and if the new answer is right, it will be divisible by 9. For example, 44 + 23 (just random numbers)=67. 6+7=13. 67-13=54, which is divisible by 9.
  7. Fire containment is based on the percentage of the perimeter of the fire. I wish I didn’t need to know this.
  8. Did you know that a dial tone on the telephone is F#? You can use it to tune a guitar in an emergency! (Just what constitutes a musical emergency?; yes, guitar strings begin with E, but if you find F#, you can get to E, and finally, no, I don’t play guitar).
  9. This Evergreen Home is a new-to-me blog about simple living. The page called 101 Simple Living Tips is especially good, and has links in it to other sites full of good tips.


  1. 1. My shoe of choice? New Balance. I don’t understand how people can keep “slip on” type shoes on their feet.
    2. I’m probably not the only one who read this and tried out Akimbo for herself. With no one around.
    3. Ha Ha Ha so where’s the video??
    4. I hear you. Especially this year! And, well, last year, too.
    5. Man, oh man, FB and Twitter are the worst offenders! I stopped sharing/forwarding any message that didn’t come from an official, vetted, reliable source (e.g. SEKI, CalFire, Tulare Co. Fire).
    6. This kind of stuff makes my head hurt.
    7. Hey, KNP is 20% contained! That’s a whole lot better than 0% which is what we saw for weeks!
    8. Musicians know this. I believe most train horns are F-Ab. Most string players can hum “A” even if they don’t have perfect pitch (it’s the note they tune to). When I was playing guitar on a regular basis, I could hum E fairly accurately. There’s also several piano apps that you can download to your phone. (Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures.) This is probably more than you needed (or wanted) to know.
    9. Is “simple living” even possible these days of tech overload? Oh yeah, we have a special, precious place where that’s not only possible, but valued highly!

    • Sharon, as always, I look forward to your responses on my posts, but especially on the Learned Lists. Thank you!

      • Why, thank you, ma’am. ‘Round these here parts, we aim to please!

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