Hiking Mineral King – A Loop

Trail Guy prefers to loop hikes to up-and-backs on the same trail. While I was reuniting with Redwood High School Class of ’77, he was making a loop from White Chief over to the Farewell Canyon and up into Farewell Gap. Here are his photos.

I think these pure yellow columbine are called “Sierra Columbine”.
These 2-colored Columbine might be called “Alpine Columbine”. It all depends on which wildflower book one refers to.
The elusive and rare “Sky Pilot” can almost always be found on Farewell Gap in July.

Hiking Mineral King – Eagle Meadow

Eagle Lake is about 4 miles from the Mineral King valley floor, but the trail is steep and rough. In spite of that, it is probably the most popular destination. Trail Guy doesn’t like going there and I haven’t been in several years. The last time I was there, the lake was almost empty, because some stupid hon-yock opened the gate on the dam.

This is no excuse to miss out on Eagle Meadow below the lake or the sloping meadow below Eagle Meadow.

Another unknown white flower, low to the ground and with a distinctive leaf pattern – I WILL find the name!
Labrador Tea, but not the true kind of the northeast.
Lousewort – this strikes me as a true Why Bother, but it is in my favorite flower book by Steven Stocking.

One also encounters a mysterious sinkhole, where water continually flows into and yet it doesn’t fill up. The trail looks positively bucolic, but there are armies, platoons and relentless swarms of ravenous bugs. There is a meadow before you begin climbing to Eagle Lake, and it was full of Jeffrey Shooting Star and Knotweed. (and bugs that bite.)

Hiking Mineral King – Farewell/Franklin Junction

Where the Farewell Gap trail splits off toward Franklin Lakes and Franklin Pass, one can always count on fabulous flowers. Why my photos don’t adequately reflect this is a bit of mystery, but I hope you enjoy today’s sweatless hike all the same. (I’m happy to do the work for you.)

Corn Lily
The water is still flowing strongly, but the creeks are mostly crossable now.
Boring unnamed yellow flower not quite in bloom
Where are you going, Trail Guy?
He made it back out of the snow tunnel.
Indian Paintbrush and Yarrow – pinkish Yarrow!
Looking back over Timber Gap from the junction of Farewell and Franklin trails
Aster – these are lavender with a yellow center
Bushy Leptisiphon (excuse me??)
Forget-Me-Not or Sierra Stick-seed?
Glacial Daisy – these are white and larger than the asters.
At the Junction. . . I must have had a reason for this photo, but it eludes me now. It had to do with lots of white flowers – “knotweed”? – that barely show here. Guess you had to be there.