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Summer fun – 13 things I live by

Thank you to Cheryl Barker of Cheryl’s R&R blog for this idea. Today in the interest of summer fun, here is a list for you about me, the only subject in which I am really an expert.

  1. If it isn’t chocolate, it isn’t worth the calories. (Milk chocolate is for children, and chocolate is never white.)
  2. The more stuff you own, the more stuff breaks. (and gets lost)
  3. In decorating, choose what you love rather than what is in style.
  4. In clothing, choose what looks great on you and what you look great in rather than what is in style.
  5. Life is too short to dry dishes, iron jeans, or paint nails.
  6. I’d rather drive a used Honda Accord than a new anything else. (‘cept maybe an Acura!)
  7. ditto for Mac
  8. Spend less than you earn.
  9. Never pass up an opportunity to travel.
  10. Always bring knitting.
  11. Have your colors “done”, and use them.
  12. It is better to be really good at one thing than mediocre at many. (That is why I used pencil as my only medium for years.)
  13. Never stop searching for the perfect denim skirt. (Where are you, O Perfect Denim Skirt? One day you will be mine!)

Now it is your turn! What are some of your personal maxims? Hint: If you comment here on the blog instead of emailing me, everyone else will get to learn from you too.


  1. Diane, your dad was right about many things – what a great guy!
    Cheryl, I KNEW I liked you. 😎

  2. Hey Jana, thanks for the shout-out! And by the way, I couldn’t agree with you more about chocolate 🙂

  3. … dad was right – “You can’t take it with you.”

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