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Rhyme Time


  1. I just must tell you again that you are my “mini-vacation” in a day ladened with chores – all of which are my job as a servant to my family and happily (well most of the time…) done! You put a smile on my face and make me giggle!
    Hope your day is sunny and mild!

    • So happy to be of service, Deb! And glad to make you smile – I laughed myself silly doing that post! (easily amused, simple mind, et cetera)

  2. Laughing … sweet! Wonderful way to begin the day –

    • Thanks, Diane! Sometimes I crack myself up. 😎

  3. Sharon, funny intent understood! 😎

    Shannon, mission accomplished – thanks for letting me know!

  4. This put a smile on my face!

  5. (Meant in the nicest way, of course!)


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