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Productive and Pathetic in Wilsonia, Part Two

While in Wilsonia, the private cabin community in Kings Canyon National Park, I visited the General Grant Tree. It is about a mile from Wilsonia in a spectacular grove of giant sequoias (sequoia gigantea not to be confused with California redwoods called sequoia sempervirens). 

Of course, what grove of Big Trees wouldn’t be considered spectacular?

the base of the General Grant Tree
I think this is the General Grant Tree. I took so many photos that I got confused.

I discovered something surprising. The General has been stripped of his title, except on the few remaining old signs and maps. He is now called the “Grant Tree”. Hmmmm, mighty peculiar (but probably not pathetic.)

As The Cabins of Wilsonia takes shape, new ideas keep coming. Because Wilsonia is in Kings Canyon National Park (ugh – do you mind if I just type KCNP?), it seems important to learn more about the immediate area.

So, I went exploring and found the Manzanita and Azalea Trails. There is a well-marked trail system that goes up to Park Ridge Lookout in KCNP, connects to Crystal Springs Campground and also surrounds Wilsonia, in a large and general way.

azalea trail in KCNP
The Azalea Trail in KCNP does not lead through the big trees, but it does go through some azaleas, which are probably fabulous earlier in the summer.

In addition to these extracurricular activities, I worked on The Cabins of Wilsonia, talked to many cabin folks, and had an immensely productive week.

What about the pathetic part, you ask? Ummm, I got homesick and went home a day early.



  1. Melissa, the paranoid part of me had the same thought.

  2. They probably took out the word “General” because that has war connotations, and war stuff is not PC.!! LOL!!! Silly park people.

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