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Odd jobs, odd artist

Some days are completely full of random tasks. Wednesday was just such a day – there was a long list of unrelated items that needed completing, and it rained. (random, see?) One of the list items was to paint a sign that says Pet Clinic.  I spent a ridiculous amount of time messing around with typestyles, looking for little images of cats and dogs, realizing that I have a ton of cat photos from which to work. trying to design something, deciding it wasn’t really worth all the time because it is just a favor, and finally just doing this:

That is little Butch on the left and Dancer the Jack Russell terrier on the right. There wasn’t enough paint to coat the entire background, and I just couldn’t figure out what I was trying to do. It’s sort of obvious.

Then I did a few more errands, kept running into friends and then a friend/customer that I’d been trying to connect with. Ended up delivering 8 paintings to her house, so that worked out well. But, when I got home, I looked down and discovered this:


  1. Had to comment! Went to Wendy’s last year in Pasadena for dinner with my Fasano gang and upon arriving looked down and discovered two distinctly different sandals! Had put them on on purpose to decide which looked best…I guess I forgot to decide!
    I took your Three Rivers walk with you…doesn’t look like we will be able to go to Mineral King this year (many sniffs…). Thanks for the pleasure i had walking “with you”!

    • Too funny! Did Wendy notice?? Did anyone else?? You are the 2nd to reveal a similar story. I’m blaming middle-aged mush brain for the phenomenon. And I am looking forward to when you get to visit MK again – this time we will be in touch in advance and plan for a walk! Remember running through the orange groves behind your folks’ house? I can’t do that anymore. Just sayin’. . .

  2. At least you do have the same color of shoes … a bit different in style …

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