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New and Improved

Learning, learning, always learning. When I stop learning, I will be dead! Here is my current personal painting lesson (and I may be the “meanest” teacher I have ever had!) If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will know that I love this bridge to the point of ridiculousness. Apparently I am not alone, because each time I draw or paint it, it sells. The most recent version hasn’t sold; because I know the subject is a winner, I had to take a hard look with my most critical attitude at the painting. Without going into specifics, look at the Before version:

Now look at the After version:

Now that I have seen it on my screen, I can see that my lessons from this painting aren’t over yet.

Okay, now maybe it is finished. Maybe. Perhaps. I’ll let it mull awhile longer.


  1. Love this blog. I can see the increased difference in value and foreground detail. Then did you soften the dark values?

    • Thanks, Sandi! The dark looks softer in the final version but that is a function of photography. I tried to get it to photograph with the same contrast but after turning it every possible way I finally said ” Close enough!!”

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