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Where are the Orange Groves?

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Where are the orange groves? They are in other paintings, eight other ones, to be exact.

This is a grove of oak and sycamore trees, at the Kaweah Oaks Preserve, working from a photo taken through my windshield. Don’t be alarmed; there was no traffic either in front or behind. I didn’t take the time to compose the photo carefully, just went click click click and then patched things together later on Photoshop Junior to get something paintable.

I flipped things to get the mountains more accurate.

That’ll do. Now the trees.

I thought you might like to see my palette; all the colors used here are mixed from white, 2 yellows, 2 reds, and 2 blues. 

Here is the left hand side as the detail begins to appear in the distant trees.

Mostly working left to right.

I didn’t save my crummy photos on the computer so that I can show it to you. After I had the prints made (it is 2 8×10″ taped together), I deleted them. There are too many photos on my computer, so I have to be very vigilant about deletion.

Finished! Too wet to scan, so I laid it on the floor to photograph it without shadows or wet paint glare.

Now, back to the orange groves. . .

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