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Summer Sales Ahead

That’s an optimistic title, wouldn’t you say?

Back when it was a simple mountain market called “The Silver City Store”. (photo 1985)

The store at the Silver City Resort below Mineral King has a projected opening date of June 5. (I still call the whole place the Silver City Store although it has become an almost swanky resort instead of a little mountain  store.)

My oil paintings sell very well there each summer. I have high hopes for this year in spite of the Shut Down. 

When the manager said they were ready for my paintings, I spread them all out, and then made decisions. Eventually I hope all will make it up the hill, but we only show about 10 at a time.

These went up the hill in round one.
These stayed back until some of the earlier pieces have sold.

It is always a guess – how many of which subjects and which sizes?

Every year I think I have it figured out, and often end up cranking out paintings mid summer because something popular has sold out in a certain size. This year’s paintings are heavy in wildflowers. 

This summer is full of more unknowns than usual. As always, more will be revealed in the fullness of time. 


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