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Ever use a GPS to help you reach a destination? If so, you have experienced what happens each time you choose to go a different route than the Talking Lady instructs. She says “Recalculating, recalculating!” That is exactly what I do with the prioritization of paintings in progress. Have a look at the current list:

  1. Secret unrevealed large and urgent project
  2. 6 tangerines for a real estate guy who sells ag property and likes to give art as a thank you to his clients. (This is 6 different paintings, not 1 painting of 6 tangerines!)
  3. 14×11″ Sunny Sequoias
  4. 2 8×10″ paintings of poppies
  5. 4 4×6″ paintings of poppies
  6. 8×10″ oranges as still life
  7. Oak Grove Bridge
  8. Clover Creek Bridge
  9. Pumpkin Hollow Bridge

How do I prioritize? If there is a paying customer, it goes high on the list. If there is a deadline, it goes high on the list. If it is tiny and I can work on it at The Art Co-op, it gets painted on Thursdays, in order of priority.  The “spec” paintings are arranged in order of the shows coming up and how I am guessing (an educated guess of course!) they will sell at particular places. When one or a group gets finished, you know what I do? I recalculate, of course! 😎


a completed Sunny Sequoias in the ongoing series


a completed poppy for an upcoming show (click on to enlarge)


a completed orange for Mr. Ag Property


a completed commission piece

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