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Painting Mineral King, Chapter Nth

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In the summer, I paint Mineral King scenes, over and over and over. Thank you for showing up anyway.

Hi Tucker. I wasn’t talking to you, but you are always welcome anywhere I am.

Aspens grow in Mineral King. I don’t think they would survive down the hill in the heat, but they are native to Tulare County at higher elevations. Can you tell that this little square will be a picture of aspens?

Can you tell now?

Here are two more 6×6″ oil paintings, photographed with a phone rather than a camera, and too wet to scan at this point. I think people are getting cautious with spending again, so smaller paintings might sell more quickly than large ones.

There–now you can see that these are aspens.

All will retail for $65 plus that dastardly California sales tax unless you live in a less golden state. Alas, I am a Central California artist, a regionalist from California’s flyover country, and high tax is part of this place. 

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