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Painting Poultry

Let’s look at the steps involved in painting a rooster. This is a little 4×6″ canvas, sized and priced for quick sale. This is an art business, so these things must be considered. I hope it doesn’t cause offense to folks who think artists just get inspired, create something, and voila! the money follows. (don’t we all wish?)

First, the general size and shape. I begin all pencil drawings the same way too – size and location is the first decision.
Next step: tighten up the shape.
Start filling in the shapes within the main shape (had to draw the dog before I drew the fleas). The colors aren’t really important in this step but the values are. I’m not talented enough to get this stage exactly right on the first pass so I require another layer to be accurate on shapes, values, colors and textures.
This is a continuation of the previous step, but this time I am right side up to see if I am actually painting a rooster or a freak of nature.
The rooster needs a hen. She is 6×6″ because that shape best fits her shape.
Tucker isn’t very interested in this topic of poultry.

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