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New Lessons in Painting

 1. Did you know that sometimes the bristles of brushes come out in big chunks? yep.                                  2. Did you know that if you bang on a paint lid with a hammer to loosen it, sometimes it breaks? sure enough.                                                                                                                                                                      3. Did you know that even when you have done all the preliminary sketches, drawn your plan to scale and had it approved, that a better idea (or six) will emerge?                                                                            4. Did you know that it is very very very challenging to paint a scene for which no photograph exists? oh yeah. Definitely challenging.                                                                                                                                5. How about this: you probably know that acrylic paints dry very fast. But did you know that when they are too dry to blend, and dry to the touch, and for all intents and purposes just plain dry that those giant clothespin-type clamps will not only stick, but REMOVE the paint??? I hate that.


You can see that panel #1 is finished (maybe) and leaning back behind #2. Panel #2 now has a small lake or pond and some rocks. Panel #3 is beginning to take shape.  More will continue to be revealed!


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