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Mural, Day Twenty-one

Today it became apparent that the detail work has to happen in the a.m. The broader base-coating work is for the afternoon when the wall is too hot for my brushes to behave.  This was a frustrating learning experience, but forward motion happened anyway. I moved the truck forward another 4 feet, and now I am painting at the HALF-WAY MARK!!! See that crack/seam to the left of Tulare Peak (the one on the left side of Farewell Gap)? As an aside, have you ever noticed how many people let their diesel engines idle incessantly? It occurred to me that perhaps it wasn’t good for this truck to run for 30 seconds, so I became one of Them: those people who let their noisy smelly diesels run for no apparent reason. I hate to sound like someone who makes her own yogurt (I do, but that is beside the point), but it is Really REALLY annoying to listen to and smell diesels idling while I paint! But I digress. . . here is today’s work:img_0788.jpgimg_0789.jpgSlightly better than yesterday. I found myself in that weird middle-aged dilemma – reading glasses or sunglasses?? Opted for the reading glasses and found much more information in the photo – funny how that works! Goodbye, Banjo Guy. 

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