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Inching Along the Big One

How does one keep coming up with appealing titles for the same topic?

One doesn’t.

This painting is too tall to reach the top when the easel is on the table, so I set it up on the platform of the painting workshop with the doors open.
Trail Guy helped me find and retrieve my big painting easel, which he had stored out of sight and out of reach. It is a simple streamlined design and doesn’t take up much space.
This is S L O W.
Now it is at the “Best-Viewed-From-The-Back-of-a-Fast-Horse” stage.
I bet the oil painting of a Giant Sequoia on the easel has already taken longer than this mural in acrylics took. Of course, using a 1-1/2″ brush instead of a 3/8″ makes a difference, but I can’t figure out how to use a fatter brush and get results that aren’t cringe-worthy in oils.

When I begin to put the details in, I’ll stop moaning about the pace. It helps to listen to a book on CD, and I’ve got a good one going right now. One of Us by Tawni O’Dell is still good on CD #2. Time will tell (that’s what my Dad used to say instead of “more will be revealed”).

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