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Four Starts, One Finished Oil Painting

All these paintings are small and will be for sale at the Holiday Bazaar, coming to Three Rivers on November 18 at the Three Rivers Remorial Building. (Yes I know it is “memorial”, but I learned to say it this way from my former neighbor, formerly a girl, currently a married woman.)

This one only needs the background. That will go quickly (unless it doesn’t). If it looks familiar, it is because I painted from the same photo on a mural at Santa Teresita.

These are all in progress.

What was the beginning of pumpkins is now becoming Lake Kaweah.

This will be Alta Peak with Moro Rock, a scene I can see when I stand on the bench that surrounds my chimney, one I have painted many times before. This time it will be from a combination of multiple photos.

Finally, this little 6×6″ painting went so quickly that I took zero in-progress photographs.

Say it with me now: “This looks better in person” and “I’ll scan it after it dries.”

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