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Extended Yardening Season


At the time of this writing (a week or so before you see it) it hadn’t gotten hot like normal summer yet, and  our cabin wasn’t yet opened. In addition, I had nothing pressing on the work front, so these conditions provided plenty of time for continued yardening.

I sprayed all the pomegranate blossoms with Deer Out, and then I saw a deer eating on the tree, so I sprayed it again. Too bad I didn’t count the blossoms when I sprayed the first time, but I was more intent on thinning and spraying. So, I don’t know if the deer was eating leaves or blossoms. One of the reviews I read for Deer Out said that deer might try to eat something sprayed but wouldn’t return for more.

Then I sprayed the hollyhocks, which the deer hadn’t yet bothered this year.

Finally, I sprayed the roses that haven’t yet croaked.

I caught a deer in the act of biting off a fully bloomed geranium, but it hasn’t returned for a second course.

P.S. I have actually sprayed all these multiple times because I just can’t seem to believe the claims. Time will tell…

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