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Drawing While Waiting

As of January 23, I hadn’t heard from the big Catholic church in Visalia as to when I may begin the two murals. This meant lots of free time. 

My studio is in two parts: the painting workshop and the studio where I draw and do business-like tasks. The workshop is cold and dark on overcast days, and just cold on sunny days in winter. I could light the stove/furnace, but it is a little bit scary, takes a long time for the heat to reach the easels on the other end of the room, and it upsets the cats because I keep the doors closed. The studio is a little easier to heat, but I don’t have a lot of work in there right now. 

Honestly, I like to be in the living room with the wood stove, Trail Guy, and sometimes Pippin. 

I got asked to attend a meeting in Exeter, and didn’t want to drive 50 miles just to listen and talk. So, the leader of the meeting called me and used the phone speaker while I drew. Very nice. This makes for a very good time to work on a drawing.

Working from top to bottom, left to right, just inching along, layering, making up trees, trunks, and branches. This is a thank you gift for someone who most likely doesn’t read my blog. She did something very nice for me, and since I have nothing pressing and love to draw, it’s a natural activity to partake in while listening to people talk. That is, when I am not finding excuses to stay in the house.

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