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Day One on the Mural

In life, I am pretty good at about 2 things (drawing and teaching drawing), pretty average at most things, and really bad at 2 things for sure: team sports and morning. Today, I got up at 5, left at 6, and was at the mural site at 6:30. 6:30 is a reasonable time; it is the preceding hour and 1/2 that really bite. When I got to the site I was greeted by this little guy:


Back in the early ’80s, my friend Stacy got a new Taurus, and we used to joke about all the push-button devices being like an electric wheelchair. (At the time I had a stick shift with crank windows and without a/c.)  This electric lift is like the Taurus compared to the scaffolding I used last time!


I was also greeted by this list of names, a happy reminder of all the help I had on Thursday night. (but Michael forgot to sign!)

The wall looked like this with all the outlines:


You can see it didn’t fit all that well – there is extra space on either end. (Maybe projecting murals should get added to my list of team sports and morning.)


Okay, I am way too sleepy to continue this posting. Guess I’ll have to show you the morning’s work tomorrow. And no, I’m not going to take a nap because there is NO WAY I’m going to experience morning twice in one day!


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