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Big Panels With Mural Paints*

Some friends had this tired thing by their kitchen door. I asked if I could repaint it. Then, Trail Guy tried to strip off the peeling decal so that I could paint. He decided it was a losing proposition, so he built me a new panel. Then he built me another one with the scraps.

I decided to go ahead and paint right over the peeling decal for my friends (it was probably headed for the trash anyway), and then paint something to sell on the new panels. Maybe some poppies would look good on the smaller panel.

That was all a bit ambitious, because this needed to be done with acrylic paint rather than oils. Mural paints, actually, so that they wouldn’t cost a fortune and take forever to paint and to dry. Mini-murals – no big deal, except that I forgot how very annoying those quick-drying paints are. Because of that quick drying problem, it is quite hard to draw with my paintbrush, i.e. make the details perfect.

I don’t like it yet. Needs more leaves and stems, lots more greenery, more than I feel capable of making up without photos to refer to.

And you can see how much I liked the poppies.

Bye-bye, poppies.

Tomorrow I will show you what I did with the new sturdy panel. (Yes, tomorrow, in spite of it being Saturday.)

*are much harder than I expected.

P.S. It costs a fortune to have a transplant, and while insurance covers much, there is much that it does not cover. If you feel generous and inclined to help my friend, Rachelle, this is the best way to do so: HelpHopeLive.Org

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