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More Questions, and a Few Answers

For awhile I had a link in these emails of my daily blog post to take you to the site on the internet so you could see the photos. Now there is some tomfoolery happening with my blog, so I am not putting the link in until it gets sorted out. If you would like to see the pictures, go to jana botkin dot net (written this way to confound the evil robots who are messing things up.)

Yesterday I asked fifteen questions. Today I am answering a few questions that I didn’t even ask yesterday, along with a few answers to yesterday’s questions.

  1. When will the Mineral King Road be opened? After the County repairs its section (they chose a contractor who might begin soon), after the Park surveys its section, after Trail Guy and The (former) Supervisor do some work, after the Park grants permission to enter. 
  2. When will I begin the murals at St. Charles of Borromeo, the largest Catholic church in all of North America? No one knows. Yet.
  3. Will I get to paint two murals on a county library? No one knows. Yet.
  4. Why did my mechanic tell me not to drive Fernando to Oregon? Mark the Magnificent Mechanic said that 247,000 miles means anything could quit at any time.
  5. What did I do about the Microsoft Word problem? I learned it is incompatible with Mac, so the controls I was looking for never appeared. The man I am working with on a project lent me his HP, a clumsy machine that WORKED with Word.
  6. Why do companies discontinue products? Follow the money; maybe they are afraid of getting sued, maybe they can’t find the ingredients, but most likely the product isn’t delivering enough profit.
  7. What will my neighbor name her three black kittens? I vote for Jack, Mac, and Zach Black.
  8. Why am I not doing the Redbud Festival* this year? I have too many other responsibilities on Sundays, festivals make me tired, I haven’t prepared anything to sell outside of a few new cards, and I’d rather be home.
  9. Why do I have to restart my computer for AirDrop to work? It didn’t require this a few days ago; the people and robots and companies controlling our machines seem to delight in confounding us with their perpetual “updating” (which means meddling and complicating, so there).
  10. Why is the food truck for Quesedilla Gorilla in Three Rivers gone? Because they will be building a new non-mobile restaurant.

* Saturday and Sunday of Mother’s Day weekend, 10-4-ish, Three Rivers Memorial Building

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