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You Know You’re A Dork When. . .

. . . you’re in love with a bridge.


We drove our bikes to the 3 mile marker on the Mineral King Road on Sunday afternoon and rode the 3.5 miles to the Oak Grove Bridge. It was up most of the way, but not horribly upical.


 The light wasn’t great on the bridge, but it was quite fun to have it be our destination and to just hang out on foot.




  1. Would a little history of this bridge add to your depth of “paintability” [is that a word?]? This bridge and its twin at Pumpkin Hollow were both engineered by Nathan “Nate” Lovelace. He was a brother of the trapper and mountain man, Shorty Lovelace. Like you, Jana, I love this particular bridge because it holds so many great memories for me. My Mom and Dad, Ord and Irma Loverin, lived for many, many years at the adobe there at Oak Grove and we had so many wonderful adventures.

  2. Never driven to Mineral King? I understand, since I have never been to Balch Park! And the North Fork is incredibly beautiful, especially in the spring. The redbud, the sycamores, the lupine. . . definitely heavenly!

  3. it is a beautiful bridge! I can’t believe I have never driven up to Mineral King. Right now Andy and I are in the process of buying a piece of property on the North Fork. My dad passed away last year and it was his little piece of heaven. Needs a lot of work, but we have a lot of time 🙂

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