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Rocky Hill Antiques Mural, Chapter 7

When I got to Rocky Hill Antiques, I was so pleased to see the truck in its new position. Keith is a guy I can count on to do what he says he will do – that is an outstanding character quality.

Rocky Hill Antiques Mural in progress

Because he is so quick to help, I wanted to be able to complete everything that uses the truck on this day and the next one. He isn’t clamoring for the truck back, but I feel a little (self-imposed) pressure to get ‘er dun. This is because of the commute (SOOO annoying – all those slowpokes until the passing lanes), the heat (not too bad on Friday at all!), the NOISE, the rough wall surface, and perhaps the general wussiness of this California artist.

Ever since I agreed to do this mural, I’ve been ever so slightly worried about the lettering. I have about zero experience and knowledge of how to letter well, and when you throw in the bumpy bricks and mortar – ay-yi-yi-yi.

Rocky Hill Antiques Mural in progress

No worries! The wall surface gives me the excuse to have the letters be less than perfect.

It was really satisfying to mix up the right blue for the outline of the letters and the “pinstripe”. I love to mix colors!

Now all that is left is the base on which the statue rests, finishing the re-bluing at the bottom, the words at the bottom, and the lower parts of the little light blue stripe. Plus, I want to hide something in the mural. That is really fun. I put an old fashioned fireman’s hat in the mural on the fire station tank and a hiking boot in the Sequoia Outdoor Sports mural.

I wonder what belongs in this one. . . I think there are 2 more afternoon’s worth of painting, so I have a little bit of time to figure out what to paint and where to paint it.

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