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Particularly Challenging Challenge

Oil painting is a real challenge at times. Getting the colors right in addition to the darks, lights, textures, shapes and proportions, along with seeing what is really there instead of what I think might be there plus adding and subtracting whatever is necessary to enhance the scene . . . it is just hard.

Then along comes a new challenge. This oil painting commission of the Oak Grove Bridge may take longer than any other previous oil painting. Let the photos suffice, although none were taken while claws and teeth were attached to my painting (or photographing) hand. In all the wrestling, a button got pushed on the camera that made the colors more vivid than normal. I’m surprised nothing got broken or accidentally painted or dropped.

While this Bengal bitey-boy-beast, AKA Samson, took a rest, I was able to work on the rocks beneath the bridge a bit, and also located the posts on the bridge itself. The customers didn’t give me a deadline, and they say, “No hurry” each time I see them. 

Good thing.


  1. Samson is so beautiful! His markings are amazing! Have you drawn him yet? I bet he’d made a great subject 🙂

    • Thank you, Shannon, for checking in! He is beautiful, but I haven’t drawn him. I’ve drawn several of my other cats, but haven’t considered the little bitey boy. I appreciate the suggestion!

  2. Cats can be so . . . “helpful!”

    They’re like toddlers–all your work is done when they are (hopefully) napping.

    • At least I can lock this toddler up or even shove him to the ground if necessary. I’ve even bitten him back!! Good thing I didn’t have any children.

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