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Painting in Church


This is how my church looks on a holiday Monday morning.


Does it look to you as if there is room for a mural? It didn’t look that way to me, but I did some sketches for That Amazing Shirley as we developed her idea. We even made changes on Monday morning! Changes? Nah, improvements!


A very helpful man named Don brought in the extension ladder and set it up. Trail Guy made a couple of adjustments, found the can of wall-color paint (there WILL be a need for an “eraser”), and set up the spotlight.

I drew a chalk outline so I could tell the sizes needed when I was up in the air. The top is about 13′ from that part of the stage.

Don was very helpful. He didn’t want me to be there alone on the ladder, so he hung out and told me about his very interesting life. It helped to have a second set of eyes so we could discuss various details about the tree – too anything? leaning?  wide/narrow in the trunk or  spacey/full in the green parts and branches?


Weird weird color at the end of the day with a flash. This is after one day’s work. I may have seriously underestimated the time necessary. It had better be done by Sunday or I will have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do. (Remember Ricky Ricardo – ” ‘splain it to me, Lucy”?)

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